how Vladimir Putin become president

1: Vladimir Putin


Vladimir Putin became President of Russia through a combination of political processes and events. Here's a brief overview of his path to the presidency:

  1. Early Political Career: Vladimir Putin began his political career in the Soviet Union's security agency, the KGB. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, he entered politics in the early 1990s and held various positions in the government.

  2. Appointment as Prime Minister: In August 1999, Putin was appointed as the Prime Minister of Russia by then-President Boris Yeltsin. At that time, Russia was facing significant economic and political challenges.

  3. Acting President: On December 31, 1999, President Boris Yeltsin unexpectedly resigned. This move made Vladimir Putin the Acting President of Russia.

  4. Election as President: In March 2000, presidential elections were held in Russia. Putin ran as a candidate and won the election, officially becoming the President of Russia. He was reelected in 2004, serving two consecutive terms as President.

  5. Term as Prime Minister: Due to constitutional limits on consecutive presidential terms, Putin could not run for a third consecutive term as President in 2008. Instead, he became the Prime Minister under President Dmitry Medvedev.

  6. Return to Presidency: In 2012, Putin ran for the presidency again and won the election. He has been serving as the President of Russia since then, with his term extended in subsequent elections.

It's important to note that Putin's rise to power was influenced by a combination of factors, including his political skills, the backing of influential political figures, and the political climate in Russia at the time. His presidency has been marked by various domestic and international developments, and he has remained a prominent figure in Russian politics for many years.

Thoughts on Vladimir Putin

Vladimir Putin, as the long-serving leader of Russia, has evoked a wide range of opinions and sentiments, both domestically and internationally.

  1. Strongman Image: Internationally, Putin is often perceived as a strongman leader who has consolidated power in Russia. Some admire his assertiveness on the global stage, while others view it with apprehension.

  2. Authoritarianism: Critics, both inside and outside of Russia, have raised concerns about the state of democracy and human rights in the country during Putin's rule. His government's handling of political opposition and freedom of the press has drawn criticism.

  3. Nationalism and Patriotism: Putin's leadership has promoted Russian nationalism and a sense of pride in the country's history and identity. This has resonated with many Russians who appreciate his efforts to restore Russia's influence on the world stage.

  4. Economic Policies: Putin's economic policies have had mixed results. While Russia has experienced periods of economic growth, it has also faced challenges, particularly with regard to diversification away from its reliance on oil and gas.

  5. International Relations: Putin's foreign policy decisions, such as Russia's involvement in conflicts in Ukraine and Syria, have sparked debate and controversy. Some view these actions as defending Russian interests, while others see them as destabilizing.

  6. Longevity in Power: Putin's extended time in office has raised questions about the state of democracy in Russia. Critics argue that his continued rule has limited political competition.

  7. Popularity at Home: Putin maintains a significant level of popularity in Russia, where many appreciate his strong leadership and efforts to restore the country's standing in the world.

In summary, the thoughts and emotions surrounding Vladimir Putin's leadership are diverse and often polarized, reflecting the complexities of his rule and Russia's role on the global stage. Public opinion on Putin varies widely, with some admiring his strength and others expressing concern about the state of democracy and human rights in Russia.

 2 : Imran Khan: A Remarkable Journey of Leadership and Success


Imran Khan, a prominent figure in Pakistani politics, has had a life journey marked by achievements, challenges, and a relentless pursuit of his vision. Born on October 5, 1952, in Lahore, Pakistan, he is currently in his early seventies. Imran Khan's life story is not just about politics; it's a tale of dedication, love, and a commitment to his nation.

Family and Personal Life: Imran Khan's personal life has been closely scrutinized by the media and the public. He married Jemima Goldsmith, a British socialite, in 1995. The couple had two sons, Sulaiman and Kasim, before their marriage ended in 2004. In 2018, Imran Khan married Bushra Maneka, marking a new chapter in his personal life.

Education and Early Life: Imran Khan's journey of excellence began with his education. He attended the prestigious Aitchison College in Lahore and later moved to the Royal Grammar School in Worcester, England. Subsequently, he enrolled at Keble College, Oxford, where he studied Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE). His time in England not only honed his academic skills but also fueled his passion for cricket.

Cricket Stardom: Imran Khan's first claim to fame came in the world of cricket. He made his debut for the Pakistan national cricket team in 1971. His cricketing career reached its pinnacle when he captained Pakistan to its first-ever Cricket World Cup victory in 1992. His charismatic leadership and exceptional cricketing skills made him an icon in Pakistan and beyond.

Transition to Politics: Following his retirement from cricket, Imran Khan entered the field of politics. He founded the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party in 1996, with a mission to create a just and corruption-free Pakistan. His early years in politics were marked by struggles, but his determination never wavered.

Political Milestones: Imran Khan's political career saw significant milestones. He served as a Member of Parliament and later as the Chief Minister of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province. His relentless pursuit of justice and accountability resonated with many Pakistanis.

Prime Ministership: Imran Khan's political journey culminated in his election as the Prime Minister of Pakistan in August 2018. His government has focused on reforms in various sectors, including healthcare, education, and the economy. He has also played a crucial role in diplomacy on the international stage.

The Enduring Legacy: As Imran Khan continues to lead Pakistan, his journey remains a testament to his unwavering commitment to his nation's betterment. His life has been marked by personal achievements, challenges, and a steadfast dedication to the people of Pakistan. His story is one of resilience, leadership, and the pursuit of a brighter future.

In conclusion, Imran Khan's journey from cricket stardom to political leadership is a testament to the power of determination and vision. His age may have matured, but his commitment to his country and its people remains unwavering. Imran Khan's story is one of inspiration for Pakistan and the world.

Thoughts on Imran Khan

Imran Khan's leadership has stirred a wide range of emotions and opinions among the Pakistani public.

  1. Hope and Aspiration: Many Pakistanis view Imran Khan as a beacon of hope. They see him as a leader who can bring about positive change, tackle corruption, and improve governance. His vision for a "Naya Pakistan" (New Pakistan) resonates with those who seek a brighter future.

  2. Criticism and Challenges: However, there are also critics who question his policies and ability to address pressing issues, such as the economy and social welfare. Some feel that the promises of change have yet to materialize, leading to frustration.

  3. Charismatic Leadership: Imran Khan's charisma and past success in cricket continue to draw admirers. His ability to connect with the youth and mobilize them for social and political causes is seen as a unique strength.

  4. Foreign Policy and Diplomacy: His handling of foreign policy matters, including relations with neighboring countries, has drawn both praise and concern. His efforts to foster peace and dialogue have been lauded by some and questioned by others.

  5. Resilience and Determination: Many admire Imran Khan's determination in the face of adversity. His long and arduous journey in politics, marked by legal battles and setbacks, showcases his unwavering commitment to his ideals.

  6. Mixed Bag of Expectations: The public's thoughts on Imran Khan are a mixed bag of expectations, and opinions often vary along political, regional, and demographic lines. As his term as Prime Minister continues, the hope remains that his leadership will lead Pakistan towards progress and prosperity.

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