Top 10 Celebs Who got Pranked

 Top 10 Celebs Who got Pranked 

  1. Ashton Kutcher

  2. Ashton Kutcher

  3. Known for his own prank show, "Punk'd," Ashton Kutcher has also been on the receiving end of pranks. One of the most memorable moments was when Justin Timberlake tricked him into believing his house was being repossessed.

  4. Kim Kardashian

  5. Kim Kardashian was pranked by her then-husband Kris Humphries when he filled her entire hotel room with rose petals, leading to a romantic (and slightly over-the-top) surprise.

  6. Ellen DeGeneres

  7. The queen of pranks herself, Ellen has been pranked numerous times on her own show. One notable instance was when Taylor Swift scared her during a bathroom visit.

George Clooney

  1. George Clooney is known for his charming demeanor, but that didn't stop his good friend Brad Pitt from pranking him. Brad once had a portable toilet delivered to George's movie set, labeled with Clooney's name.

  2. Jennifer Lawrence

  3. While filming the "Hunger Games" series, Jennifer Lawrence was pranked by her co-star Josh Hutcherson. He placed a life-sized dummy in her trailer, leading to quite the scare.

  4. Beyoncé

  5. Beyoncé was pranked by fellow Destiny's Child member Kelly Rowland during a live concert. Kelly playfully pulled her wig, which led to a memorable onstage moment.

  6. Zac Efron

  1. On the set of "Neighbors," Seth Rogen orchestrated a prank on Zac Efron by having a fake fan leap out of a van to scare him. Efron's reaction was caught on camera and went viral.

  2. Justin Bieber

  3. While Justin Bieber has often been the one pulling pranks, he was once tricked into thinking he bought a new $5 million private jet. It turned out to be a clever prank by his manager Scooter Braun.

  4. Sandra Bullock

  5. Actress and prankster extraordinaire George Clooney had a habit of pranking Sandra Bullock during the filming of "Gravity." His antics included sending her adult diapers and making her trailer look haunted.

  6. Ryan Reynolds

  7. Ryan Reynolds is no stranger to pranks, but he was on the receiving end when his friend Hugh Jackman orchestrated a fake political ad endorsing Reynolds for "Man of the Year." The hilarious video went viral.

Celebrities may often be in the spotlight, but these moments show that they are not immune to a good-natured prank or two. Whether it's their co-stars, friends, or even fans, these instances serve as a reminder that even the biggest stars can have a good laugh at their own expense.

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